Thursday, July 30, 2009

Indoor Fly

The indoor fly was a huge success. It wasn't as hot inside as it was last year. And with the new Parkzone Suquoi's buzzing around, they kept the air moving around the room for added ventilation.

Thanks to the artistic skills of our very own Ethan "Spaz", some very fancy paintjobs were flying around on these new little aircraft as well.

At one point, we had as many as 20 planes in the air.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Indoor Flying this Thursday

Hey everybody,

Nothing fancy today but I needed to drop a line to everyone about a place we are Horne/going to go fly at tomorrow, Thursday July 30th. We got the ok to fly indoors at a very large building at NE corner of Horne and 2nd Ave. in Mesa. It's called Ellsworth Park. We'll be there from 7:30pm to 10pm atleast. The catch is that it's not airconditioned or swamp cooled and it's HOT in there. It's a lot of fun but brind a sweat rag and some water. The ceiling is very high and it's a great place to fly the new Sukhoi's, Vapor's, Ember's and some small 3d stuff. This isn't a big regulated event, it's just some guys/gals getting together to fly some planes. Please don't bring big planes and try to fly them. We don't want anyone hurt. We think that a 75 watt maximum will be best. If you have any questions please respond to the email or come down to the store and ask Nick.

Hope to see you guys there,

-- Aaron Lavender
Viper Hobbies

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

They're here!!!!

Guys, you have to change the prop out. GWS 5043 prop is awesome. Break the blades of a stock prop and ream out the GWS prop and press it in there and bam, a MUCH better flying airplane.