Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Indoor Flying this Thursday

Hey everybody,

Nothing fancy today but I needed to drop a line to everyone about a place we are Horne/going to go fly at tomorrow, Thursday July 30th. We got the ok to fly indoors at a very large building at NE corner of Horne and 2nd Ave. in Mesa. It's called Ellsworth Park. We'll be there from 7:30pm to 10pm atleast. The catch is that it's not airconditioned or swamp cooled and it's HOT in there. It's a lot of fun but brind a sweat rag and some water. The ceiling is very high and it's a great place to fly the new Sukhoi's, Vapor's, Ember's and some small 3d stuff. This isn't a big regulated event, it's just some guys/gals getting together to fly some planes. Please don't bring big planes and try to fly them. We don't want anyone hurt. We think that a 75 watt maximum will be best. If you have any questions please respond to the email or come down to the store and ask Nick.

Hope to see you guys there,

-- Aaron Lavender
Viper Hobbies

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